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Friday, July 12, 2013

Where Bloggers Create 2013

Just a little late to the party...I had it in my head to upload the pictures on Friday for Saturday? Not sure where I got that, but I am a day late. Here we go...

I haven't really changed a whole lot since last year. Mostly just moving things here and there and hiding things I don't want to look at. I really wish my rooms looked like this all the time, but when I sew I am messy. I tend to start multiple projects at one time and have them piled up and spread all over the rooms. I cut or trace 6-8 of one pattern at a time, move on to another and cut or trace those before I start sewing and tea staining all of them. Those all go in a pile before I start stuffing and get ready to put them together. Not a great system, but that's how I do it. I actually started sewing for my shows earlier this year instead of waiting till the month before! Hid all the body parts and mess for the blogger party. Have to drag it all out tomorrow.

I love antique photos and old purses!

my cutting area and floor to ceiling storage

another view of cutting area and my Singer table

    left side of cutting table

antique paper holder
spool cabinets and new Singer
changed this area since last year
Singer lamp and Hoosier
another view


my sewing area

redid this area a  little from last year

love all Singer things

collections above the TV

love this spot the best!
Hoarder Central! Wow that's a lot of stuff
Wall to wall and floor to ceiling
I need all of it, really!
Now that looks like extreme hoarding!

Farewell till next year!

Well, that concludes the tour of my sewing rooms for this year. As usual this was done with little or no help from my 2 digital cameras, my iphone and ipad, laptop and most of all blogger.  Just lost the entire post for 20 minutes, but retrieved it from drafts. Shouldn't be this stressful to put some pictures on a blog!! But like my brother, Rog always tells me it's probably OE....operator error!  Hope you enjoyed checking out my cluttered spaces and a big Thank you to Karen at My Dessert Cottage for doing this every year!!

I got my dates wrong and didn't get my pictures loaded yet for Where Bloggers Create!!!!!  I am working on them now....check back later today. Sorry I'm late!